Reglamento para el Torneo La Copa Los #3 Toritos comenzando Domingo 10 de Noviembre 2024 y 2025 se llevará a cabo todos los días Domingos del horario de 2 a 8 de la tarde. Reglas del torneo:
1.Presentarse con su equipo de mínimo 10 jugadores a máximo 16 jugadores.
2.Todo jugador que juegue con su equipo no podrá jugar ni cambiarse de equipo si ya jugó uno o más partidos pueden jugar si no están en un equipo participante solo los juegos regulares si equipo que lleve a jugar un jugador nuevo en playoffs automáticamente pierde y queda fuera del torneo.
3.Toda Tarjeta Amarilla costará $5 dólares y la Tarjeta Roja $10 si los jugadores se pelean. Los jugadores que peleen serán expulsados ??de la cancha y pagarán una multa de 100 dólares dependiendo de la situación y podrían ser expulsados ??del torneo.
4.Solo estarán dos encargados de sus equipos el técnico y un asistente en la banca con sus jugadores no se permite más gente que no sea de su equipo.
5.No se permiten bebidas alcohólicas ni ningún tipo de comida en la cancha.
6.Todos los equipos deben cubrir su inscripción hasta la 3 fecha si no serán sacados del torneo.
7.Todos los jugadores deben llevar espinilleras o canilleras y zapatos de indoor. Estos son los reglamentos de Copa #3 Toritos.
- Period of Play – Twenty-five minutes per half with a two-minute half-time interval. The indoor clock is a running clock so once the horn/buzzer sounds (or referee's final whistle sounds - see Rule #28 below) the game is over and no further play is allowed. So a ball that has not crossed the goal line before the sound will not be allowed should it subsequently do so.
- Offsides – There are no offsides.
- Substitutions – May be on the fly with the player coming off being in front of his/her bench before the other player can come on.
- Slide Tackling – No slide tackling allowed. Depending on the severity of the tackle the referee may show a blue (2 minutes out), yellow (2 minutes out) or red card (in instances where serious endangerment occurs).
- Goal Kicks & Throw-outs – Goal kicks (to include both stationary kick-outs and kick-outs following ball release from the goalkeeper's hands) and goalie throws cannot go past midfield without first being touched by either a player or the turf. In instances where the goalkeeper (or indeed a field player taking the stationary kick-out) fails to do this, the opposing team receives an indirect free kick at the halfway line where the ball crosses.
- Lights & Air Structure – In instances where a player directly hits the lights (actual fixture) with the ball, that player must sit out for a period of 2 minutes (there is no card shown). Deflections are not considered direct hits on the lights. An indirect free kick is awarded to the other team from the spot below that light. Where the ball hits the air structure walls/roof behind the goals and bounces back in play, it is at the discretion of the referee to rule whether the ball had left the field of play or not.
- Distance on Free Kicks – Six yards are to be given on free kicks.
- Blue Cards – Mandatory for any Slide Tackling. May also be issued where the referee deems the offence warrants more than a warning but not a yellow card. Results in a two-minute ejection from the game. The offending player (inclusive of goalkeepers) must leave the field of play and remain on the bench for two minutes; the player may not be substituted. Two blues result in a yellow card and similarly a two-minute ejection from the game; the player may not be substituted. Where the opposing team scores a goal before the two minutes is up, that player may return to the field of play. Card rules apply to all players including the goal-keeper (as per FIFA rules). Two minute rule carries over from period to period but not from game to game.
- Yellow Cards – Results in a two-minute ejection from the game (inclusive of goalkeepers); the player may not be substituted. Two yellows result in a red card and therefore a complete ejection from the game; the player may not be substituted.
- Red Cards – Any red card issued results in an immediate ejection, the player may not be substituted. The team will be notified within three days if any further suspension will be assigned. The League Director along with the referee will decide on the outcome of the player (and possibly team) status. Any player or team suspended or dismissed will not receive a refund and player may not attend games during suspension.
- Fighting – Fighting shall result in an automatic red card. Any player leaving the bench to fight shall receive an automatic red card. Fighting shall result in suspension for the remainder of the session and/or a complete ban from the center.
- Tie breakers – For playoff games, 5 minutes of overtime (in total) with the Golden Goal rule prevailing. If still tied 3 penalty shots per team using team rotation, players used must be on the field at games end, team scoring most goals wins. In the event there is still a tie, then each team rotates one player penalty shots until the first goal is scored. Rotation must be completed. Players may come off the bench.
- Player Minimum – Where games are 8-v-8 a team must field a minimum of 7 players in order to start the game. Where games are 6-v-6 a team must field a minimum of 5 players in order to start a game. For COED youth leagues teams can field any mix of male/female players as there's no minimum number of female players required. To accomodate teams at the youth level, Euro Sports Center reserves the right to form Coed leagues.
- Forfeits – A team will forfeit when it does not field enough players (see Rule (13) above). A period of 5 minutes will be given. The team that forfeits will be liable for all referee fees for that game. No credits are given for forfeits. Any team caught playing with ineligible players will automatically forfeit the game.
- Mercy Rule – After a team has a SIX-goal lead on their opponent the mercy rule shall come into force. The referee shall let the leading team coach (or his/her rep) know so that no further goals are scored. If this rule is broken by the leading team they automatically forfeit the game, and the game is terminated there & then.
- Roster Lock-in – The following rules apply to Youth Leagues involving PLAYOFFS: Starting 1/19/19 rosters will now be frozen after the SECOND game (not week). From the third game on all players must sign next to their PRINTED NAME* on their team's roster and must play in a minimum of 2 games of regular season to play in the playoffs. (* Euro Sports Center will confirm with all youth coaches by Game#2 their finalized rosters and these finalized roster sheets will have each player's name printed out on them. From the third game and on, each player must sign next to his/her name before entering the field to play his/her game. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the game).
- Challenging Player’s Eligibility – TEAMS MUST PLAY AGE APPROPRIATE PLAYERS. For our Youth Winter 2025 session, starting 1/3/25, players must be age appropriate as of the NJYS calendar year rules. A coach/manager may challenge any player’s eligibility at any time during or directly after the game. The game will not be stopped and will continue to play. The coach/manager must go to the front desk manager and make a formal complaint. After the game, the League Director along with the referee will determine the player’s eligibility and make a determination. This determination will be reported to the teams involved.
- Rescheduling – Euro Sports Center reserves the right to change any game time and date when deemed necessary.
- Unpaid Balances – All teams must be paid in full before the start of the FIRST game. The credit card put up by each team captain/coach will be charged in the amount of any unpaid balance at that time. Euro Sports Center reserves the right to deny any team playing time due to an unpaid balance.
- Referee Fees – Payable by each team coach (or his/her rep) directly to the referee prior to the start of the game. No exceptions.
- Team Jerseys – Teams must wear matching colors, preferably with numbers. The home team (the one listed first on the schedule) has first choice over the color of jersey it will wear where the color clashes with that of the other team it’s playing. Teams must therefore bring both a home and away jersey (the away jersey may be simply an all white T-shirt). Goalkeepers are required to wear a different jersey to the out-field players.
- Turf Shoes – Turf shoes, flats or sneakers only. No cleats are allowed to be worn on the field of play.
- Shin guards – Shin guards must be worn on the field of play at all times.
- Spitting – No spitting allowed on the field.
- Food – No food is allowed in the air structure. Food is to be consumed in the clubhouse. Player beverages in sports bottles are permitted.
- Team Bench & Team Spectators – Only players and two coaches maximum are allowed on the team benches on the far side of the field. Neither coaches nor players on the bench may stray out of their designated team area. All others are considered spectators and must sit on benches provided on the near side of the field. Due to occupancy constraints in the air structure each youth team shall be granted 2 complimentary spectator passes per player for the 2025 winter session for parents/guardians to attend. Additional spectators are subject to an entrance fee. Any spectators bringing kids must look after them while seated on the benches during actual game time. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the center.
- Home & Away (and Kickoffs) – Teams scheduled as the "Home" team (i.e. listed first on the schedule) must go to the near side of the field (i.e. closest to the revolving door). Similarly, teams scheduled as the "Away" team (i.e. listed second on the schedule) must play on the far side of the field (i.e. furthest away from the revolving door). There is NO changing at the half. "Home" team on the schedule gets FIRST-HALF kickoff.
- Deliberate Play Delay - Where a team (players and/or coaches) deliberately delays play in the last 2 minutes of the game, the Referee may, at his/her discretion, add additional time - up to 2 minutes if necessary - to the game to reflect this delay. He/she should go to his stopwatch and add the delayed time after the final buzzer sounds. The game continues until the Referee's final whistle sounds.
- Heading the Ball - Consistent with the U.S. Soccer mandates on heading the ball, heading is banned for all division players U11 and below in games. An indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team if the player deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a game. The indirect free kick is to be taken from the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head.
- Period of Play – Twenty-five minutes per half with a two-minute half-time interval. The indoor clock is a running clock so once the horn/buzzer sounds (or referee's final whistle sounds - see Rule #28 below) the game is over and no further play is allowed. So a ball that has not crossed the goal line before the sound will not be allowed should it subsequently do so.
- Offsides – There are no offsides.
- Substitutions – May be on the fly with the player coming off being in front of his/her bench before the other player can come on.
- Slide Tackling – No slide tackling allowed. Depending on the severity of the tackle the referee may show a blue (2 minutes out), yellow (2 minutes out) or red card (in instances where serious endangerment occurs).
- Goal Kicks & Throw-outs – Goal kicks (to include both stationary kick-outs and kick-outs following ball release from the goalkeeper's hands) and goalie throws cannot go past midfield without first being touched by either a player or the turf. In instances where the goalkeeper (or indeed a field player taking the stationary kick-out) fails to do this, the opposing team receives an indirect free kick at the halfway line where the ball crosses.
- Lights & Air Structure – In instances where a player directly hits the lights (actual fixture) with the ball, that player must sit out for a period of 2 minutes (there is no card shown). Deflections are not considered direct hits on the lights. An indirect free kick is awarded to the other team from the spot below that light. Where the ball hits the air structure walls/roof behind the goals and bounces back in play, it is at the discretion of the referee to rule whether the ball had left the field of play or not.
- Distance on Free Kicks – Six yards are to be given on free kicks.
- Blue Cards – Mandatory for any Slide Tackling. May also be issued where the referee deems the offence warrants more than a warning but not a yellow card. Results in a two-minute ejection from the game. The offending player (inclusive of goalkeepers) must leave the field of play and remain on the bench for two minutes; the player may not be substituted. Two blues result in a yellow card and similarly a two-minute ejection from the game; the player may not be substituted. Where the opposing team scores a goal before the two minutes is up, that player may return to the field of play. Card rules apply to all players including the goal-keeper (as per FIFA rules). Two minute rule carries over from period to period but not from game to game.
- Yellow Cards – Results in a two-minute ejection from the game (inclusive of goalkeepers); the player may not be substituted. Where the opposing team scores a goal before the two minutes is up, that player may return to the field of play.Two yellows result in a red card and therefore a complete ejection from the game; the player may not be substituted.
- Red Cards – Any red card issued results in an immediate ejection, the player may not be substituted. The player must leave the field. He/she may stay in the clubhouse.The team will be notified within three days if any further suspension will be assigned. The League Director along with the referee will decide on the outcome of the player (and possibly team) status. Any player or team suspended or dismissed will not receive a refund and player may not attend games during suspension.
- Fighting – Fighting shall result in an automatic red card. Any player leaving the bench to fight shall receive an automatic red card. Fighting shall result in suspension for the remainder of the session and/or a complete ban from the center.
- Tie breakers – For playoff games, 5 minutes of overtime (in total) with the Golden Goal rule prevailing. If still tied 3 penalty shots per team using team rotation, players used must be on the field at games end, team scoring most goals wins. In the event there is still a tie, then each team rotates one player penalty shots until the first goal is scored. Rotation must be completed. Players may come off the bench.
- Player Minimum – Where games are 7-v-7 a team must field a minimum of 6 players in order to start the game. Where games are 8-v-8 a team must field a minimum of 7 players in order to start a game. NEW ADULT COED TEAM RULES: Each team shall field no more than 8 players, consisting of 6 MEN (Maximum) & 2 WOMEN (No max. number of women) at a time. Teams unable to field a full team may play with no less than 6 players. Any less than 6 players, a forfeit will be awarded.
- Forfeits – A team will forfeit when it does not field enough players (see Rule (13) above). A period of 5 minutes will be given. The team that forfeits will be liable for all referee fees for that game. No credits are given for forfeits. Any team caught playing with ineligible players will automatically forfeit the game.
- Roster Lock-in – Rosters are frozen after the third game. All players must sign the roster and must play in a minimum of 3 games of regular season to play in the playoffs.
- One player–One Team – No player can play for more than one team in any particular league (regardless of whether there are divisions/groups within the league or not).
- Challenging Player’s Eligibility – A coach/manager may challenge any player’s eligibility at any time during or directly after the game. The game will not be stopped and will continue to play. The coach/manager must go to the front desk manager and make a formal complaint. After the game, the League Director along with the referee will determine the player’s eligibility and make a determination. This determination will be reported to the teams involved.
- Rescheduling – Euro Sports Center reserves the right to change any game time and date when deemed necessary.
- Unpaid Balances – All teams must be paid in full before the start of the FIRST game for High School Leagues; for Adult Leagues as advertised. The credit card put up by each team captain/coach will be charged in the amount of any unpaid balance at that time. Euro Sports Center reserves the right to deny any team playing time due to an unpaid balance.
- Referee Fees – Payable by each team captain (or his/her rep) directly to the referee prior to the start of the game. No exceptions.
- Team Jerseys – Teams must wear matching colors, preferably with numbers. The home team (the one listed first on the schedule) has first choice over the color of jersey it will wear where the color clashes with that of the other team it’s playing. Teams must therefore bring both a home and away jersey (the away jersey may be simply an all white T-shirt). Goalkeepers are required to wear a different jersey to the out-field players.
- Turf Shoes – Turf shoes, flats or sneakers only. No cleats are allowed to be worn on the field of play.
- Shin guards – Shin guards must be worn on the field of play at all times.
- Spitting – No spitting allowed on the field.
- Food – No food is allowed in the air structure. Food is to be consumed in the clubhouse. Player beverages in sports bottles are permitted.
- Team Bench & Team Spectators – Only players and two coaches maximum are allowed on the team benches on the far side of the field. Neither coaches nor players on the bench may stray out of their designated team area. All others are considered spectators and must sit on benches provided on the near side of the field. Due to occupancy constraints in the air structure each HIGH SCHOOL team shall be granted 2 complimentary spectator passes per player for the 2025 winter session for parents/guardians to attend. Additional spectators are subject to an entrance fee. Any spectators bringing kids must look after them while seated on the benches during actual game time. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the center.
27. Home & Away (and Kickoffs) – Teams scheduled as the "Home" team (i.e. listed first on the schedule) must go to the near side of the field (i.e. closest to the revolving door). Similarly, teams scheduled as the "Away" team (i.e. listed second on the schedule) must play on the far side of the field (i.e. furthest away from the revolving door). There is NO changing at the half. "Home" team on the schedule gets FIRST-HALF kickoff.
28. Deliberate Play Delay - Where a team (players and/or coaches) deliberately delays play in the last 2 minutes of the game, the Referee may, at his/her discretion, add additional time - up to 2 minutes if necessary - to the game to reflect this delay. He/she should go to his stopwatch and add the delayed time after the final buzzer sounds. The game continues until the Referee's final whistle sounds.